Minden amiről tudni kell rólunk
Hello az Optilaknál
– ahol a tér és a dizájn találkozik!
Mi, az Optilak csapatánál, szenvedélyesen foglalkozunk azzal, hogy otthonát, irodáját vagy bármely más helyiségét a lehető legoptimálisabbá tegyük. Szolgáltatásaink közé tartozik a lakberendezés, téroptimalizálás, parkolásgátlók elhelyezése, látványtervek készítése, lakberendezői tanácsadás, homestaging és térszervezés.
Célunk, hogy minden négyzetmétert kihasználva egyedi és praktikus megoldásokat kínáljunk, amelyek tökéletesen illeszkednek az Ön igényeihez és stílusához. Az Optilak segítségével az elképzeléseit valósággá változtatjuk, és olyan teret teremtünk, amelyben öröm élni és dolgozni.
Várjuk, hogy együtt formálhassuk meg az Ön ideális terét!

Minden amiről tudni kell rólunk
Hello az Optilaknál
– ahol a tér és a dizájn találkozik!
Mi, az Optilak csapatánál, szenvedélyesen foglalkozunk azzal, hogy otthonát, irodáját vagy bármely más helyiségét a lehető legoptimálisabbá tegyük. Szolgáltatásaink közé tartozik a lakberendezés, téroptimalizálás, parkolásgátlók elhelyezése, látványtervek készítése, lakberendezői tanácsadás, homestaging és térszervezés.
Célunk, hogy minden négyzetmétert kihasználva egyedi és praktikus megoldásokat kínáljunk, amelyek tökéletesen illeszkednek az Ön igényeihez és stílusához. Az Optilak segítségével az elképzeléseit valósággá változtatjuk, és olyan teret teremtünk, amelyben öröm élni és dolgozni.
Várjuk, hogy együtt formálhassuk meg az Ön ideális terét!
“Segítünk kialakítani a megfelelő teret a maximális helykihasználás érdekében, legyen szó kis vagy nagy alapterületű helyiségekről.”

000 Ft/ 50 m2-ig
000 Ft/ 110 m2-ig
000 Ft/ 110 m2 felett
Funkcionálisan jól működő alaprajz
Tervezése maximális
Helyszíni felmérés
Helyszíni felmérés
igények felmérése
igények felmérése
Koncepció terv 1. verzió
Koncepció terv 1. verzió
Folyamatos konzultáció
Folyamatos konzultáció
Bútorozási terv a bútorok
átlagos befoglaló méretével
Bútorozási terv a bútorok
átlagos befoglaló méretével
Konyhaelemek és gépek helye
és mérete (méretezett alaprajz)
Konyhaelemek és gépek helye
és mérete (méretezett alaprajz)
Helyszíni felmérés
Helyszíni felmérés
Felmérési alaprajz
Felmérési alaprajz
Átalakítási terv 1. verzió
Végleges berendezési alaprajz
Végleges berendezési alaprajz
Bútorozási terv a bútorok
átlagos befoglaló méretével
Bútorozási terv a bútorok
átlagos befoglaló méretével
3D Látványterv
3D Látványterv
Konyhaelemek és gépek helye
és mérete (méretezett alaprajz)
Konyhaelemek és gépek helye
és mérete (méretezett alaprajz)
Rolunk mondták:
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route
(01 / 03)
From the initial concept development to the final execution, Emily's ability to understand our brand values and target audience was evident throughout the entire process. She masterfully crafted a visually compelling and cohesive brand identity that perfectly reflects our company's mission and vision. Emily's expertise in color psychology, typography, and graphic design resulted in a brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
John Smith
Creative Director – InfiniTech
(02 / 03)
I am thrilled to provide this testimonial for James Thompson, the talented photographer behind our editorial photography project. James's artistic eye, technical proficiency, and ability to capture the essence of our subject matter have exceeded our expectations. His keen attention to detail and composition have resulted in stunning images that truly tell a story.
Sophia Rodriguez
CMO – Lumina Designs
(03 / 03)
Sarah's expertise in color theory, typography, and layout has resulted in a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates our brand message. Working with Sarah was an absolute pleasure, as she maintained open lines of communication, incorporated our feedback seamlessly, and delivered the project on time.
Isabella Adams
Chief Financial Officer – Route